Monday, June 3, 2013

Tieten Met Haar / Tits With Hair / Nichons Poilus

Tieten Met Haar 2 is finaly out!
with works from 20 different illustrators from Belgium and around, riso print (printed at Topo Copy in Ghent), 2 colours (blue and brown, you didn't see that coming..), a4 format, only 150 copies.  price 15€ (+shipping, except if you live in Ghent).

LowHighLands - Talbot Rice Gallery Exhibition

Talbot Rice Gallery
23 May - 25 May 2013


Students from Sint-Lucas Beeldende Kunst, Ghent, Charlotte Van Bost, Jana Vasiljević  and David Rabau, all MA Fine art, made a roadtrip to the exhibition traveling from Dover; through London, and north along the west coast beyond Ullapool, returning through the Highlands.  Along the way the students made sketches and photos of their surroundings.  The Gallery now becomes the last stop where they will continue to work and invite participation in the making of a zine.